Public Bowling Rates
$7.50 per person per game
$4.00 shoe rental
$65.00 for 1 hour bowling; shoe rentals included (6 bowlers per lane)
Current Public Bowling Hours
Monday: 9 am - 6 pm
Tuesday: 9 am - 6:30 pm
Wednesday: 9 am - 12:30 pm; 4 pm - 6:30 pm
Thursday: 9 am - 6:30 pm
Friday: 9 am - 11 pm
Saturday: 12 pm - 11 pm
Sunday: 10 am - 8 pm
About 5-Pin Bowling
5-pin bowling is a version of bowling developed in Canada in 1909 by Thomas F. Ryan in Toronto, Ontario and is only played in Canada. It was developed as a response to customers who complained that 10-pin bowling was too strenuous.
A game of 5-pin bowling consists of 10 frames. A frame ends when either the bowler delivers 3 balls or all the pins are knocked down, ending the frame. If all the pins are knocked down with the first ball (a strike), or with the first and second balls (a spare), the frame ends. The remaining balls for that frame are counted in the next frame and added to the total for the preceding frame.
Frame 10 is slightly different than all the other frames because even if a strike or spare is thrown on the first or second balls, respectively, all three balls are thrown, yielding a possible 45 points in the tenth frame.
A perfect game is rare in 5-pin bowling and consists of 12 consecutive strikes totaling 450 points: 1 in each of the first 9 frames and 3 in the 10th frame.
Summary of Notation Used in Scoring
"H" is marked when only the HEADPIN is taken out on first ball = 5 pts .
“L” or “R” is marked when the only pin left after the first ball is one of the cornerpins… A L (Left) or R (Right) is recorded when the frame’s first delivery takes out all the pins except one of the 2 corner pins =13 pts (2+5+3+3).
“A” is an ACE and is recorded when, on a first delivery of a frame, the Headpin and both 3 Pins are knocked down, leaving only both Corner Pins standing = 11 pts (3+5+3).
"C" is a CHOP OFF and is recorded when the frame’s first delivery knocks down the headpin and one of the “sides” (both a 3 pin and corner pin combination on the same side of the headpin) = 10 pts (2+3+5).
"S" is a SPLIT and is recorded when the frame’s first delivery takes out the headpin and only one of the 3 Pins = 8 pts (5+3)
"X" is a STRIKE and is recorded when all 5 pins are knocked down with the first ball = 15 pts, plus next two balls points are doubled
"/" is a SPARE and is recorded when all remaining pins are knocked down with the second ball = 15 pts, plus next ball points are doubled
"-" is a GUTTER and is recorded when the ball does not knock over any pins = 0 pts