Cochrane Lanes Bowling Leagues

Join A League Today!

Roll with Us for Strikes, Spares, and Community Thrills!

Bowling leagues at Cochrane Lanes are a great way to stay active and social! We have leagues for all ages and skill levels so there is something for everyone. Join as a team or individually!

  • The majority of our leagues run from September to the end of April.

  • Points over Average scoring: All skill levels welcome!

  • Each league night is three games of bowling and prices vary from $13-14.50 for lineage (not including shoe rentals).

  • Limited space is now available for evening leagues. Please call to inquire about joining leagues for the 2024-25 season.

  • League bowlers are also eligible for our Strike Awards during regular league play and may be eligible to enter any sanctioned Bowl Canada tournaments. 

  • Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday Evening Leagues


  • Monday Leagues, Wednesday 1:00, Saturday YBC


  • Monday 6 pm; Sept-March

    $11.00 Two games

  • Wednesday 4:30pm; September-May

    $11.00 Two games

Daytime Leagues

Monday1 pm - 3 pmMixed Senior League
Tuesday10 am - 12 pmLadies League
Wednesday9 am - 11 am; 1 pm - 4 pmLadies League; Senior Ladies League
Thursday1 pm - 3 pmChallenger Day Program
Saturday10 am - 12 pmYBC League (Youth Bowling Canada)

Evening Leagues

Monday6:30 pm - 9 pmMixed Challenger League
Tuesday**7 pm - 9:30 pmMixed Adult League
Wednesday7 pm - 9:30 pmMixed Adult League
Thursday7 pm - 9:30 pmMixed Adult League
Sunday7 pm - 9 pmMixed Adult Casual League
*= Spring League**= Spring and Fall League

Request to Join a League 🎳

Request to Join a League 🎳